Dr. rer. nat. Judith Ungewiß

Scientific Assistant


room: G4 1.05

telephone: +49 7361 576 - 4625

telefax: +49 7361 576 - 4685

email: Judith.Ungewiss@hs-aalen.de

Recent activity
since 05/2015
Aalen University of Applied Sciences
Competence Center „Vision Research“ (Head: Prof. Dr. med. U. Schiefer)
Scientific Assistant
Head of the driving simulator in the „Aalen Mobility Perception & Exploration Lab (AMPEL)“

Higher Education
Tübingen University, Faculty of Science
Doctorate: Dr. rer. nat.

09/2013 – 04/2015
Aalen University of Applied Sciences
Study course Ophthalmic Optics and Psychophysics
Degree: Master of Science

09/2009 – 08/2013
Aalen University of Applied Sciences
Study course Optometry and Audiology
Degree: Bachelor of Science


09/2005 – 07/2007
Kaufmännische Schule 1, Stuttgart
Allgemeine Hochschulreife (German University entrance qualification)

09/2004 – 07/2005
Hermann-Gundert-Schule, Calw
Berufskolleg zur Erlangung der Fachhochschulreife
Fachhochschulreife (German University of Applied Sciences entrance qualification)

Vocational training and professional experience

02/2004 – 08/2004
Landratsamt Calw
Administration clerk

09/2001 – 02/2004
Landratsamt Calw
Apprenticeship as an administration clerk

Awards and Grants

Hochschulpreis of the Sparkassen-Foundation Ostalb
Special Award for Scientific Quality for the Dissertation

07/2017 – 01/2020
Grant for the Dissertation as part of the “HAW-Prom” program by the association of the Universities of Applied Sciences Baden Württemberg, Germany (Verband der Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften Baden-Württemberg, HAW BW)

11/2013 – 10/2014
Karl-Steinbuch-Grant of the “Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg” for the project „Methoden zum Vergleich der Aufmerksamkeitszuwendung (Methods for the comparison of attention allocation)“

Further aspects

Reviewer for „Optometry and Vision Science“ (OVS), „Ophthalmology“ (OPHTHA), and „Ophthalmic Research“ (ORE)


Ralf Michels

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ophthalmic Optics, Laboratory engineer

Dr.-Ing. Michael Wörner

Scientific Employee